October 16th, 2020 – More Fires, here we go again…

Greetings everybody.

September & October have brought us another Wildland fire once again. This one totals over 1 million acres. I pray for all of those that are directly affected by the latest tragedy. I have been trying to avoid the phrase “The New Normal”. I hope and pray that this is not the new normal that my boys will be forced to navigate throughout their lives!

A beautiful day by the bay…

Once again wildfire smoke has engulfed our state making it difficult to breathe and get outdoors. The boys have adjusted to wearing masks and do so willingly without issue.

Masked up with their Taekwondo teacher Miss Baum

As many of you know, my brother passed away unexpectedly in July. We had an impromptu memorial in Reno with our ‘local family’ in his honor. I’m still looking forward to the day that we can all get together and grieve our losses together.

I hope you and yours are navigating through the pandemic, wildfires and upcoming presidential election with minimal issues. I hope that you have registered to vote! Please vote because your life and your kid’s lives depend on it!

Until next time. Mahalo ke Akua…

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