August 16th, 2020 – Virtual TK starts next week!

Hey everybody,

Hopefully everyone is safe and healthy. This pandemic, plus the Shelter in Place rules are pretty crazy. I never thought I would experience this type of worldwide calamity in my lifetime. So far we have been able to maintain some semblance of sanity throughout the lockdown. The boys continue to grow on a daily basis. We try to do as much outdoor activity as possible without putting ourselves or our family at risk.


The boys start Transitional Kindergarten August 18th. I stayed up almost all night last Tuesday, because my brain was spinning out of control about how we could do virtual classes at home with 3 – 5 year olds! Besides the dining room table there was no ‘real’ place for them to study without distractions getting the best of them. We have an arts & craft table from Pottery Barn that we were using for toy storage and art projects. We decided that it would be best if we cleaned up that area for them to use. I put down yellow & black tape on table top to designate their work spaces. I think (hope) it will work out, if not – it’s the best we can do for right now! I valiantly searched high and low for kids desks, but I had NO luck whatsoever! Apparently the entire planet is sheltering in place and attending school remotely.

We have done a lot to try to keep the boys occupied and entertained these last 4 months. Physical release is paramount to their growth and demeanor. We spent a lot of time walking and playing in parks around our neighborhood. I have to admit, I am running out of ideas to keep them busy.


First trip to the skate park!


Big boy!

We went to the coast a couple of times and got to spend a little time at the pool too!


Keoni skipping rocks

We did a movie night and camped in our backyard last weekend! We had hoped that we could see some meteors from the Perseid meteor shower, but the moon was too bright. The boys did get to check out the moon through the telescope and got a kick out of that!Backyard20200807_184643 Backyard camping!Backyard20200808_054724 Group hugs in the morning!

Our Taekwondo Studio started in person training last month, so the boys have been able to enjoy some social interaction with their classmates. Albeit at 6 feet of separation with a mask on!ATA20200729_174222Kaleo – knife-hand, hayahhhhh!

This week’s flashback is to the boys first stay away from home at a hotel – Monterey Bay!Please pray for those that are suffering, inside and outside of your circle. Most people will put on a good face and tell you everything is ok. I pray and hope that you and your Ohana are safe and healthy.Next month – the boys are turning 5!!!5Malama each other – Mahalo ke Akua!Akua

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